When Life Happens and Things Change, Pivot

Hello Loves!

Welcome to the new site! There have been a lot of changes around here, so whether you’re new to my site or you’ve followed me for some time – WELCOME! WELCOME! WELCOME!

My name is Cambrie. I am a thirty-something living in Georgia with my husband, our two sons (my bonus bubs), and our two dogs.

Twelve years ago, I started my first blog as a place to vent about moving from New Jersey to middle-of-nowhere Kansas (really it was Fort Riley, KS) and being an army wife. It became a space for me to share my life – the good, the bad, and the ugly.

But life happens; and six years ago, everything changed. I changed…

I moved to Georgia, turned 30, got diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, lost my father unexpectedly, lost my teenage cousin to cancer, got divorced, fell in love, gained two amazing stepsons, got remarried, and bought a house.

… and now we’re here.

I decided that I needed a clean slate for this new season I am in, so all the posts that this site has seen over the last 12 years are gone (except for one that means a lot to me). I want to share the things that matter most to me now, which is my family, my faith, and my business. Everything that happened has made me look at life differently; I live more in the moment, and my goals and priorities have changed.

As always, there is no perfection around here. All my photos are taken by me, so they are mostly selfies; I have tried to get my husband to take my photos, but he has not mastered angles yet. However, we are still working on it. I also don’t like the idea of a perfectly curated anything when nothing in life is perfect. I write everything, so there will be some spelling or grammatical errors, probably some sarcasm, and maybe a cuss word or two. If you have a problem with any of that, you can go sit on a carrot.

I am glad to be creating this new space where we can talk about family, faith, business, what is cooking in my kitchen, health and fitness stuff, relationships, and even sex (shhh). This site will have something for everyone.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for taking this journey with me. Cheers, bitches!